「大人用の薬を砕いて子ども用に」「病院の9割で治療薬が足りない!」 前例のない「医薬品不足」はどうなる?(デイリー新潮)
解熱鎮痛剤、鎮咳剤(咳止め)、去痰剤(痰を出しやすくする薬)、抗生物質、漢方薬、ビタミン剤、局所麻酔薬、etc. etc. などが払拭しています。お薬は「国の防衛」に関わります。以前、日本製ペニシリンの話を書きました(参考:ペニシリン4:日本製ペニシリン碧素(へきそ)の物語(1))。 日本製ペニシリンを作るべく、奮闘努力したのは、陸軍です。戦争にはお薬が大切だということを敗戦間近の日本軍は理解していたのです。
前回、日本でお亡くなりになった心電計の発明者アイントホーフェン医師の“子アイントホーフェン”さんのお孫さんのIneke van der Walさんが、“子アイントホーフェン”の奥様(一緒に日本に抑留されていた)が日本抑留中に書き残した「日記や手紙」を元に日本滞在中のことを本にして出版していると紹介しました。
Ineke van der Wal 著
「The Temple with the Chrysanthemums: Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo」
Independently published (2017/12/3)
1902-1904年、“父アイントホーフェン”は 弦検流計(げんけんりゅうけい)を用いて、心電計を作り上げ、心電図の記録に成功します。その後、弦検流計に改良を施し、世界中でこの弦検流計を用いた心電計が販売されるようになりました。
写真1にアイントホーフェンが作った弦検流計を示します(オランダのBoerhaave museumで見ることができます )。
などを上記の 『The Temple with the Chrysanthemums: Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo』から引用します。英文です。簡単な翻訳も記します。
注:著者のIneke van der Walさんから、著書から引用すること、翻訳して当コラムで紹介することの許可を得ています。
On March 24, 1923, Father Willem gives a lecture at the KHMW(Royal Holland Academy of Sciences') entitled The string galvanometer at the service of radio telegraphy' in which he advertises the many advantages of reception by galvanometer versus by telephone. First he speaks about the sensitivity of the galvanometer that can be increased to that of the best telephone. Then he talks about the larger number of words per minute that can be sent. If one sends signals by hand and listens with the ear, the maximum is 25 words per minute.
1923年3月 “父アイントホーフェン”は「電話よりも弦検流計による通信の方が優れている」という講演をした。
Wim gives this lecture himself at the Physiological Laboratory in Leiden on October 22, 1923. In addition to the lectures, father and son also publish various articles about the vacuum string galvanometer and Wim, as agreed with the Ministry, applies for a patent in The Netherlands, Germany, Canada, England, the US and Japan.
The patents are in the name of The Netherlands Indies. On November 22, 1921, 100,000 guilders is paid to Professor W. Einthoven by the Department of Colonies, following the final report issued by De Groot. As agreed, father and son share this amount. Wim invests his share in London, but affords himself one luxury: the purchase of a sailing boat, the Tineke, a gaff rigged, cabin Yacht, which is docked with Arie in Warmond.
In October 1924, while he is in the United States, Professor Einthoven receives news that he has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. He collects the award a year later in Stockholm on December 10, 1925. In his acceptance speech he mentions his son: Engineer W.F. Einthoven has made a model in which the string lies in a vacuum and this is specially suitable for the use of very thin strings' and so testifies about the long collaboration between father and son.Einthoven has made a model in which the string lies in a vacuum and this is specially suitable for the use of very thin strings' and so testifies about the long collaboration between father and son.
Father Einthoven undergoes surgery for colon cancer in May 1927 after which he stays bedridden for a long time. On September 28, 1927 Wim's father passes away. He is buried at the Green Church in Oegstgeest, where the family graves of the DeVogel and Einthoven families are located.
The Governor General appoints Wim to Head Engineer on April 5, 1936. Wim becomes head of the Radio Laboratory in Bandung, set up and organized by him, where he also brings the training of radio-technical personnel up to par. Beb writes to her mother: 1937, a few American engineers from the group of scientists who are associated with Professor Albert Einstein visit Bandung. Einstein, friend of Wim's father, is aware of Wim's work in Java. As a token of his appreciation, Einstein sends a book of his own hand with a personal note for Wim. It is a nice gift. The delegation comes with a request to set up a laboratory for experiments with liquid air (compression), but they specify that it must remain strictly confidential.
1936年“子アイントホーフェン”は現インドネシア(当時オランダ領)バンドンに赴任、オランダPTT(post telephone telegram)に就職、後にインドネシアPTT所長となった。そのバンドンに、物理学者アインシュタインと関係があるアメリカの科学者グループが訪れた。アインシュタインは“父アイントホーフェン”の友人であり、“子アイントホーフェン”の業績も知っていたので、アインシュタインはアインシュタインは“子アイントホーフェン”にアインシュタイン直筆サインの入った自著を同封した手紙を送った。(注:1921年にアインシュタインはノーベル賞、1924年に“父アイントホーフェン”もノーベル賞)。
American naval base at Pearl Harbor is attacked on December 7, 1941 by Japanese planes, and a large part of the US fleet is destroyed. The Japanese empire wants to end Western domination and wants to set matters straight in East-Asia. Caucasian people have to be expelled and Japan must become self-sufficient with the rich raw materials from the Dutch East Indies and Korea.
The radio laboratory staff wonders why the European staff of the laboratory are not sent home, relieved from their duties, and why are the Japanese so lenient with them? In the last half of 1942, they receive an answer to that question. Three Japanese men come to the laboratory, who do not wear a uniform. They are better mannered than the military and speak fairly good English. It seems that they have a higher education. Quite quickly the staff learns that they work for Sumitomo, one of the three largest companies in Japan, and have come to prepare for a takeover of the radio laboratory. Sumitomo is a large company working in the field of electrical engineering and everything associated with it. One of the three men, it appears later, has studied at Harvard University in the US; he is the boss and he is the designated new managing director of the radio laboratory. The two others are an accountant and a manager.
Sumitomo also asserts itself in the Tjiboenit camp. All PTT(post telephone telegram) families summoned to move to a separate part of the camp; a fence is built around them, guards are stationed at various points and contact with other internees is prohibited. For many families, this means again dragging furniture to another home. But that is not the worst part, which is the uncertainty about the reason for this camp within a camp. Of course, the Japanese do not reveal the reason for the longest of time.
住友の命令で“子アイントホーフェン”を含めたインドネシアPTTの社員は全員、Tjiboenit campに移送され、その周囲をフェンスで囲まれた一角で過ごすことになり、同じキャンプにいる他のオランダ人との交流は禁じられた。日本軍はその理由を明かさなかった。
It takes until November 1943, when all sorts of important Japanese people barge into the house of the Einthoven family and demand that the entire family be present. The Japanese tell them that Wim and four of his colleagues will be transferred to Japan to work there on behalf of the Japanese army. Wim angrily refuses and says he will never let this happen voluntarily. In response the Japanese force him to cooperate. One of the Japanese pushes a revolver between Kate's ribs and says that women and children are to be taken along as hostages. Kate stays cool and thinks 'Oh, what a pity, I will never be able to tell anyone, because there is no one who will believe me.
The Dutch try to delay the departure in many ways. A Dutch petition to leave the women and children in Java is rejected. The order comes from the army and nothing can be done about it. The prisoners consider sending a request to the queen to gain time. Each day of delay counts and it cannot be long before the seaway to Japan will be closed. Meanwhile, the danger that they will be torpedoed on the way increases every day.
医療法人社団エミリオ森口 芝浦スリーワンクリニック
東京都港区芝浦1-3-10 チサンホテル浜松町1階