
182:医学雑誌「心電図」に論文を投稿した経緯(10) - ドクターズコラム







1. 本橋均 著「絃の影を追って:W. Einthoven の業績」を読んでいたとき、心電計の改良をアイントホーフェン医師と行っていた同医師の息子さん(本稿では子アイントホーフェンと略)が東京大空襲でお亡くなりになっていたと書かれていたことに興味を持ったのが最初です。20年以上前のことです。それから、「東京大空襲でお亡くなりになっていた子アイントホーフェン」のことについて調べているうちに偶然見つけたのが、

2. 小宮まゆみ 著「敵国人抑留―戦時下の外国民間人」です。同著に「1945年2月 子アイントホーフェンは、東京にて肺炎で死亡」と書いてありました。本橋均の記述とは違います。肺炎でお亡くなりになったのなら、医師が診察している可能性が高く、医師なら「アイントホーフェン」の名前を見て心電計の発明者である父アイントホーフェンのことを想起しなかっただろうかと思い、それに関する資料を探しました。


そして、遂に辿り着いたのが、日本でお亡くなりになった“子アイントホーフェンのお孫さんの “ Ineke van der Wal “さんが書いた子アイントホーフェン一家の日本抑留生活記です。

3. Ineke van der Wal,著「The Temple with the Chrysanthemums: Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo:2017年刊」


前回までに以下のうち、1. - 9.まで紹介が終わりました。今回は10. 11.を紹介します。

  • ノーベル賞を受賞した“父アイントホーフェン”一家のこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”一家のこと
  • 心電図研究のこと
  • アイントホーフェン父子は心電計で特許をとり、その特許収入でヨットを購入したこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”が行ったオランダとインドネシアとの無線通信実験のこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”が日本に連れてこられた経緯
  • インドネシアから日本への移送、日本到着後の移送
  • “子アイントホーフェン”一行の日本での生活
  • “子アイントホーフェン”が日本で行っていた実験、研究とは?
  • “子アイントホーフェン”を東京で診察した日本人医師のこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”の死因(東京大空襲で亡くなったのか?)
  • “子アイントホーフェン”を診察した池田泰雄先生と日野原重明先生との関係など
  • “子アイントホーフェン”の葬儀の様子
  • 終戦そしてオランダに帰国
  • 論文余話

英語版:The Temple with the Chrysanthemums: Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo: Ineke van der Wal

Ineke van der Wal 著
「The Temple with the Chrysanthemums: Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo」2017年 刊

そんなある日、子アイントホーフェンの家族は現在も東京築地にある聖路加国際病院で健診、診察を受けることになりました。そこで驚きの出会いが… 以下、本文より引用します。青字は拙訳(意訳)です。



The hospital they visit is St. Luke's hospital, a former American hospital in Tokyo. Beb goes to the hospital for new glasses, the children go to the dentist there and Wim visits an internist, Dr. Ikeda.! In his office hangs a portrait of Professor Einthoven. Dr. Ikeda has met Professor Einthoven and admires him. He asks Wim if he is related to the Professor and when Wim confirms this, Dr. Ikeda asks Wim to put his signature at the bottom of his father's portrait and he offers Wim all help whenever possible.

彼らが訪れた病院は、元はアメリカ人が運営していた聖路加国際病院だった。“子アイントホーフェン”の奥さんは眼鏡を新調するために、子供たちは歯医者に、そして“子アイントホーフェン”は内科医の池田先生の診察を受けた。その池田先生のオフィスには、アイントホーフェン教授の写真が飾られていた。池田先生は「アイントホーフェン教授(父アイントホーフェン)に会ったことがあり、教授をとても尊敬していると言った。もしかして教授の親戚かどうかと尋ねられた。 “子アイントホーフェン”は「自分はそのアイントホーフェン教授の息子である」と伝えたら、父親の写真の下に“子アイントホーフェン”のサインを書くように頼まれた。そして池田先生は“子アイントホーフェン”にできる限りの手助けをすると申し出てくれた。




It is beautiful, freezing weather but on February 1 the weather changes into a very rainy storm type and a flu starts floating around, even the Japanese are affected.
Loukie starts first, then Tineke does not feel well. Wim comes home on February 3 after work and doesn't feel good. Two days later Beb is in bed; only Kate and Wink stay healthy. A doctor comes because 13 of the 22 are ill, and he prescribes some medication. All of them are violently ill, but that does not last long. After four days you feel better, but if you're not careful, you can get sick again. On the 7th Wim no longer has a fever and on the morning of the 8th he wants to take a bath. Beb advises against it, but he insists. Wink fires up some briquettes to heat up the bathroom. After bathing Wim goes downstairs to help get the food. Nobody knows when it happens, but in the evening Wim starts shivering and Beb takes his temperature. It is 40.1° C (or 104.1 F), more than he ever had when he had the flu. He complains of pain in his left shoulder and they immediately ask for a doctor. The doctor doesn't come until the 10th (of February) in the afternoon. He pats him here and there and says in his limited English: 'Nothing serious. The fever meanwhile goes down somewhat. In the morning it is 38° C (100.4 F) and in the evening it goes up to 39° C (102.2 F). The doctor is interested in Wim's constipation, which does not mean anything when you stay in bed all day. This reassures Beb even though Wim remains depressed, but the Japanese calm down and no longer listen to Wim's complaint.




In February Wim asks the doctor for some drugs other than a laxative maybe a sulfa drug. The doctor completely ignore him, maybe he did not know what he was asking for or there are no drugs left. They get no support from Hirata, who always comes along to their doctor visits. Several days later Wim repeatedly asks if Dr. Ikeda, the doctor who has the portrait of Father Einthoven in his office at St. Luke's hospital, can come. They still ignore him. On the fourth day at noon Wim cannot go to the bathroom. He eats very little, only the soup and the milk taste good to him. He gets a cup because he is ill and Beb also gets one, but she gives hers to Wim. Later he eats a tangerine which was given to him as food for the sick. On the fifth day after he had an aspirin, his temperature is 37.6° C (99 F). This is encouraging although Beb decides to try and feed him hoping to get more food in him that way. Beb is also weak because she just went through a flu attack herself, so she spends lots of time dozing next to Wim in their double bed. Wim doesn't sleep well and wants to drink a lot at night, but when there is another air raid, he asks for the curtains to be opened so that he can see all the searchlights. In February Wim asks the doctor for some drugs other than a laxative A not know what he was asking for or there are no drugs left. They get SAY no support from Hirata, who always comes along to their doctor visits. Several days later Wim repeatedly asks if Dr. Ikeda, the doctor who has the portrait of Father Einthoven in his office at St. Luke's hospital, can come. They still ignore him. On the fourth day at noon Wim cannot go to the bathroom. He eats very little, only the soup and the milk taste good to him. He gets a cup because he is ill and Beb also gets one, but she gives hers to Wim. Later he eats a tangerine which was given to him as food for the sick. On the fifth day after he had an aspirin, his temperature is 37.6° C (99 F). This is encouraging although Beb decides to try and feed him hoping to get more food in him that way. Beb is also weak because she just went through a flu attack herself, so she spends lots of time dozing next to Wim in their double bed. Wim doesn't sleep well and wants to drink a lot at night, but when there is another air raid, he asks for the curtains to be opened so that he can see all the searchlights.



When I woke up early in the morning, Wim had difficulty breathing; I called softly Bibi' but got no answer and thought to myself, Thank God, he sleeps' and remained quietly beside him. But at six o'clock I got very concerned, and when I turned on the light, I noticed that he was unconscious. He had not drunk any water, so he probably became that way early in the night, because he usually drank three glasses of water. Immediately I went to Henk Lels who quickly got dressed and went to the Kempei guard, who lived in the gate house at the entrance of the yard. He came at once, and by eight o'clock a doctor came, again with Hirata. They tried very hard to reach Dr. Ikeda, but he was sick. He promised to send one of his young employees. The first doctor gave Wim an injection. Wim winced a little but then became very quiet, even though he had been moving his hands a lot. I sat by Wim's side continuously; Loukie sat beside me; the others thought it was too scary. At a quarter to ten he held his breath for a moment, Loukie went downstairs t to see if the doctor was still there and came back with Henk Lels, Katy, Tineke and Wink and while we were all standing around him, and without him opening his eyes and without any discomfort or even a deep sigh, the difficult breathing stopped and our dear, dear Daddy left us. We all gave him a goodbye kiss and could not think about our terrible loss; we only saw his relief from the horrible sufferings he had endured during the last year before he died. It was so quiet and peaceful that we had to be grateful rather than upset or angry. The children felt this very strongly as well.'







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  • Ineke van der Wal : De Tempel met de Chrysanten : Krijgsgevangene in Tokio, 1st ed. Independently published, Holland, 2017
  • Ineke van der Wal : The Temple with the Chrysanthemums Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo, 1st ed. Independently published, USA, 2017
  • Snellen, HA : Willem Einthoven(1860-1927)Father of electrocardiography : Life and work, ancestors and contemporaries. Springer, Netherlands, 1995
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  • War Graves Commission Oegstgeest(Oorlogsgravencomit? Oegstgeest) : Comit? Herdenken en Vieren Oegstgeest.
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足利赤十字病院 心臓血管外科部長
エミリオ森口クリニック 診療部長
医療法人社団エミリオ森口 理事長
芝浦スリーワンクリニック 院長

医療法人社団エミリオ森口 芝浦スリーワンクリニック
東京都港区芝浦1-3-10 チサンホテル浜松町1階
