
185:医学雑誌「心電図」に論文を投稿した経緯(12) - ドクターズコラム





サッカーW杯(2026年 カナダ、アメリカ、メキシコ)の最終予選が始まります。日本は二次リーグを勝ち抜きました。最終予選は、これまでよりも厳しい試合が続くとおもいます。頑張ってほしいですね。

さてW杯本番の最中には心筋梗塞などの心血管疾患を発症する方が急増します。2006年 ドイツで行われたサッカーW杯での報告です。

Cardiovascular events during World Cup soccer

特殊な心筋症も発症しやすくなります。この心筋症は「たこつぼ型の左心室形態」を生じるので、「Takotsubo cardiomyopathy」と正式命名されています。元広島市民病院の佐藤光先生が発見者です。

Kurisu S, Sato H, Kawagoe T, et al : Takotsubo-like left
ventricular dysfunction with ST-segment elevation : a
novel cardiac syndrome mimicking acute myocardial
infarction. Am Heart J 2002 ; 143 : 448-455

おしゃれなネーミングです。急激なストレスにより発症するので「broken-heart syndrome:失恋心筋症」とも称されます。逆にとても楽しい、嬉しいことでも生じます。それを「happy heart syndrome」と称します。何れにせよ、精神、心に大きな負荷がかかると発症します。

“蛸壺や はかなき夢を 夏の月”芭蕉の名句ですが、そのタコも本当に夢を見ているかもしれないという研究が、2023年、Natureに発表されました。

「Wake-like skin patterning and neural activity during octopus sleep」
Nature volume 619, pages 129-134 (2023)


W杯における日本人サポーターの「ゴミ拾い」も有名になりました。ゴミを残さないのが日本人という評価が得られたのは良いことだと思います。しかし……私は時々、高速道路を利用します。その際、あまり見たくない光景を目にします。それはインターチェンジ付近の草むらのゴミです。ゴミが大量に捨てられています 。あれを見ると「日本人全員が、きれい好き」ではないことがわかります。
増える「尿入りペットボトル」ポイ捨て 野口健さんが拾った悪意(毎日新聞)

栃木県足利の渡良瀬川河川敷で行われる花火大会翌日にゴミ清掃ボランティアをしたことがあります。河川敷には大量のゴミが捨てられていました。悲しくなる風景です。W杯を見に行けるような“裕福な”サポーターは時間的にも金銭的にもある程度余裕がある方なのだと思います。つまり、 「恒産無くして恒心無し(孟子)」


  • ノーベル賞を受賞した“父アイントホーフェン”一家のこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”一家のこと
  • 心電図研究のこと
  • アイントホーフェン父子は心電計で特許をとり、その特許収入でヨットを購入したこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”が行ったオランダとインドネシアとの無線通信実験のこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”が日本に連れてこられた経緯
  • インドネシアから日本への移送、日本到着後の移送
  • “子アイントホーフェン”一行の日本での生活
  • “子アイントホーフェン”が日本で行っていた実験、研究とは?
  • “子アイントホーフェン”を東京で診察した日本人医師のこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”の死因(東京大空襲で亡くなったのか?)
  • “子アイントホーフェン”を診察した池田泰雄先生と日野原重明先生との関係など
  • “子アイントホーフェン”の葬儀の様子
  • 終戦そしてオランダに帰国
  • 論文余話

英語版:The Temple with the Chrysanthemums: Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo: Ineke van der Wal

Ineke van der Wal 著
「The Temple with the Chrysanthemums: Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo」2017年 刊



【252頁: “子アイントホーフェン”の葬儀】

After Wim's passing, Dr. Ikeda's assistant arrives first. He is a pleasant young man who speaks English well, but he cannot do anything anymore. Shortly thereafter a Sumitomo official physician comes to diagnose Wim's death. The Japanese all act in the same formal way: They enter the room, they stop and then stand at attention. They then walk to the bed, make a deep bow, stand upright as if to say a prayer, bow again, and then stiffly take some steps back; only then do they turn to the people in the room and start talking. The entire household staff appears. Hirata comes quickly too, as well a as Tanaka. Later in the day several other people from Sumitomo come, some from the lab and some from the department of human affairs. Also an important delegation from the Kempe Tai arrives.

The next day goes by in the same way, albeit not as busy because it is the first day of a major air raid. It starts at a quarter past seven in the morning - a time when they have never had 'keikaikeiho' (planes far away) before - and it lasts until a quarter past five in the afternoon. However, it is not constant 'kushukeiho' (air danger alerts) but they are not allowed to burn coals for heat, they can't cook and there are no trams, so no one comes to visit. Later they hear that a carrier ship has ze come so close to Tokyo that small aircraft can reach the city. So far a they have always been attacked by large planes, but this is a completely different type of aircraft. They always come in waves, all in all there ares about 750 aircraft over the city.





【 226頁:遺体を火葬にして遺骨へ】

Sumitomo asks what Beb wants to do with Wim's body. She knows immediately that Wim should be cremated, so that he does not have to remain in this hostile foreign country. The coffin is supposed to arrive the next day, but because of air raids, it is not delivered until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. It is a simple white wooden coffin made of soft smooth Japanese wood. At first his coffin looks very simple but when they later see other coffins, they realize Wim's one is not so bad. In the coffin they find a mat and pads of rice paper. The Japanese do understand how awkward it will be when Japanese men will place Willem in his coffin, so the Dutch men offer to help. They wrap Wim in a sheet with Beb and Wim's monogram on it and they also put a monogrammed pillow under his head. Then Beb, the four children,and the men from the Lels, Levenbach and Leunis families, place Wim in the coffin. It is placed on trestles in Beb and Wim's bedroom and they cover it with a white silk cloth.




Meanwhile bouquets arrive from all the families in the house, the staff,the lab, and the president of Sumitomo in Tokyo, Dr. Kadju, altogether about ten bouquets. They are all of the same type: a small bamboo table with legs approximately ten centimeters high with two thick bamboo vases attached on top. In the vases are a few newly budding branches of trees, some carnations and a flowering branch without any leaves but beautiful, entirely unfamiliar flowers, that have a dark red square in the center covered with narrow yellow petals.




Mrs. Leunis and the girls make a garland of flowers and add three of Tineke's hair ribbons, one red, one white and one blue, in such a way that they look like the Dutch flag. The coffin stays throughout the night and the next day and all the Japanese from the house come back to pay their respects. Suddenly a photographer arrives and takes three pictures. Afterwards he is allowed to photograph all the families in the garden, but for the Einthoven family it is of course too late; they are not a complete family any more. On February 17, at four o'clock in the afternoon, five cars arrive. The first one will carry the coffin, the other four cars will take the group, who have not been outside the compound for a whole year, to the crematorium. Annie Lels cannot go, she is still too ill; The Hasenstab family is not invited.





Two days later Beb and Henk Lels, accompanied by Takesan and Tanaka, drive to the crematorium to receive the urn with the ashes. The Japanese made an effort to find a beautiful urn, but it is too fancy, dark blue with a lot of gold, not appropriate for Wim, so Beb asks for a simpler urn and they bring a plain white cylindrical one. Jan Leunis calls it later 'so technical'. The urn comes in a box of beautifully finished oak and is carried in a white silk cloth with a knot on top. Beb stuffs the inside of the box later with padding to make sure that the urn won't break during travel. While they are waiting for the Japanese trying to find another urn, they can observe their surroundings. They see more new caskets, many for small children which are brought to a special counter. They calmly admire the Buddha statue displayed in the center alcove and some bright green vases displayed in two side alcoves. In front of the beautiful antique objects stands a messy table and two kitchen chairs - such an unusual contrast. They are taken to a side building where the 'undertaker' awaits them and in the tokonoma, a place of honor, stands the box next to a vase of flowers. The Japanese hand over the box while bowing reverently. Henk carries it to the car, where Beb takes it on her lap. At home, Geo Levenbach and Janch Leunis customize a small table, which came with the funeral, with a neat edge so that the box fits tightly. This way the box has its own place in the bedroom that from now on will be occupied by Tineke and Beb.





What was the purpose of their stay in Japan? A question that the has posed many times. After the war several attempts are made to answer this question and various theories pass in review. Was the intention to be exchanged for Japanese who were interned in the United States? This is unlikely because the exchange of prisoners of war after mediation by the Swedish or International Red Cross, was halted halfway through 1943. Approximately 2,700 prisoners have been exchanged in this program, including 45 Dutch on Louren?o Marques, an island off the coast of Mozambique. The internees had to be equal in number, gender, education and status.




Henk Lels was in Japan in 1965 for a large conference on electronic issues and then tries to obtain more clarity at Sumitomo, but in the usual polite Japanese manner his request is denied.


【343頁:1970年 抑留されていたオランダ人捕虜の1人が来日するも住友の人達とは会えず】

Geo Levenbach tried in 1970 to make direct contact with Sumitomo to find out what the purpose of their stay in Japan was. With his son Frits, Geo had an audience' with Baron Sumitomo. It was not the intention to ask questions or get answers. This was considered a courtesy visit. What Baron Sumitomo was able to tell them, however, was that Wim Einthoven's widow had written a letter that his death was not the fault of Sumitomo, while Geo Levenbach knew for certain that such a letter had never been written. They had to leave again, while constantly bending up and down at the waist.


元オランダ人捕虜の1人が1970年に来日、住友男爵と面会しています。詳細は不明です。1970年当時、生存していたBaron Sumitomoとは恐らく住友 友成(1909 - 1993)元男爵のことだと思います。


Paulien Lels manages in 2001, through an informal approach,togain access to NEC. She writes: 'In a huge conference room, at the top of the NEC access to NEC (Nippon Electric Company), part of the Sumitomo group building, a special 'reception committee' of anagement, archivists, former employees and in their midst a hale and hearty old gentleman over 90s old, Mr Osawa, who during the war, was the director of the laboratories, where our fathers had been forced to do their work. Standing perfectly erect and with a forceful voice he welcomed us and discussed a number of papers that had been compiled especially for us and discussed the papers together with us. Clear diagrams showed that people were busy setting up a radar system and that is the honest conclusion: the purpose of our stay in Japan was the development ofradar.'


オランダ人捕虜一行は「レーダー研究」に携わっていたことになっていますが、ここに出てくる大澤さん(筆者注:大澤壽一氏)自身が「日本電気株式会社編:日本電気ものがたり 東京,1980 」 の中で「敵国人を機密の作業につかせることはできません。別に一室を設けて、そこで計算の仕事を手伝ってもらいました」と書いています(同著:157頁)。Inekeさんの本にある「オランダ人捕虜は大学生がするような計算をさせられていた」という記述と一致します。陸軍はレーダー研究を進めるために遠路はるばるインドネシアからオランダ人捕虜を連れてきたのですが、実際の研究現場では「何もしていない」状態でした。何をか言わんやですね。



In May 1945 the United States demand from the Japanese authorities,via the Swiss embassy in Tokyo, to immediately transfer the prisoners of war to safer areas. Sumitomo realizes that it is no longer able to guarantee the safety of the Dutch group and decides to transfer the group to the Ministry of the Interior. In early May, Hirata visits the Dutch group to pass on this message, and he uses the occasion to tell worry, it them openly that Holland is truly liberated and adds: 'Don't will not last long.' The desire to return to their families in The Netherlands is sometimes unbearable.




ライデン近郊のウフストヘースト(oegstgeest)にあるGroene Kerkje cemeteryに父母と共に埋葬されています。下段に“子アイントホーフェン”のことが記されています。
1893年7月17日出生、1945年2月15日、日本にて死す と記されています。





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  • 本橋均:絃の影を追って:W. Einthovenの業績,初版.医歯薬出版,東京,1969
  • 小宮まゆみ:敵国人抑留:戦時下の外国民間人,初版.吉川弘文館,東京,2009 ; 173-176
  • 日本電気株式会社編:日本電気ものがたり,初版.日本電気,東京,1980 ; 157
  • Ineke van der Wal : De Tempel met de Chrysanten : Krijgsgevangene in Tokio, 1st ed. Independently published, Holland, 2017
  • Ineke van der Wal : The Temple with the Chrysanthemums Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo, 1st ed. Independently published, USA, 2017
  • Snellen, HA : Willem Einthoven(1860-1927)Father of electrocardiography : Life and work, ancestors and contemporaries. Springer, Netherlands, 1995
  • Einthoven Jr, WF : The string Galvanometer in wireless telegraphy. Proceedings, 1923 ; 26 : numbers 7, 8.
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  • ノーベル賞委員会:Willem Einthoven - Nobel Lecture - Nobel Prize.
    https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1924/einthoven/lecture/(2021年 2月閲覧)
  • 明治大学平和教育登戸研究所資料館:地域から追う登戸研究所.
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  • オランダ日本インドネシア対話の会:Deportation to Japan : Search for Clarity.
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  • 心電図   Vol. 41 No. 1 2021 13 ) 日野原重明:心電計の歩み.検査法の変遷(Clinical Laboratory編集委員会編).診療新社,大阪,1982 ; 295
  • 聖路加国際病院 100年史編集委員会編:聖路加国際病院の 100年.聖路加国際病院,東京,2002
  • 大蔵省印刷局編:官報 1921年 08月 27日.国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション
  • United States Department of the Army : Pamphlet - Dept. of the Army. Tokyo, 1949 ; 579
  • War Graves Commission Oegstgeest(Oorlogsgravencomit? Oegstgeest) : Comit? Herdenken en Vieren Oegstgeest.
    https://www.oorlogsgravenoegstgeest.nl/en/resistance-fighters/einthoven-en(2022年 2月閲覧)



足利赤十字病院 心臓血管外科部長
エミリオ森口クリニック 診療部長
医療法人社団エミリオ森口 理事長
芝浦スリーワンクリニック 院長

医療法人社団エミリオ森口 芝浦スリーワンクリニック
東京都港区芝浦1-3-10 チサンホテル浜松町1階
