
181:医学雑誌「心電図」に論文を投稿した経緯(9) - ドクターズコラム







  • ノーベル賞を受賞した“父アイントホーフェン”一家のこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”一家のこと
  • 心電図研究の事
  • アイントホーフェン父子は心電計で特許をとり、その特許収入でヨットを購入したこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”が行ったオランダとインドネシアとの無線通信実験のこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”が日本に連れてこられた経緯
  • インドネシアから日本への移送、日本到着後の移送
  • “子アイントホーフェン”一行の日本での生活
  • “子アイントホーフェン”が日本で行っていた実験、研究とは?
  • “子アイントホーフェン”を東京で診察した日本人医師のこと
  • “子アイントホーフェン”の死因(東京大空襲で亡くなったのか?)
  • “子アイントホーフェン”の葬儀の様子

英語版:The Temple with the Chrysanthemums: Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo: Ineke van der Wal

Ineke van der Wal 著
「The Temple with the Chrysanthemums: Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo」2017年 刊
からの引用です。前回お伝えしたとおり「Ineke van der Wal」さんとメールでやりとりができるようになりました。本書の中にある図、写真は自由にお使いくださいとのことです。

頁173より引用 インデネシアのバンドンから東京まで

注:「The Temple with the Chrysanthemums: Dutch Prisoners of War in Tokyo」より引用



Everyone is exhausted and sick. They have lost weight and have hollow, thin faces. The bad food aboard the SS Aramis and the nights on deck have taken their toll and Sumitomo is shocked by their condition. The following days they are served oatmeal with sugar for breakfast, and both lunch and dinner come from the Imperial Hotel.




The entire household staff - they all live on the property - Takesan, the housekeeper, the three cooks, Yamposan, Burukawasan and Hyokisan and the two maids Soemidja and Mitsuko, make an appearance. Takesan is a kind of secondary supervisor. She is over 60 and does not have to be as submissive as the young Japanese women. Then they meet Mr. Hirata, their liaison with Sumitomo. He has been in America for four years, 'he had studied English,' so they call him Mr. Hirata and not in the Japanese way with san after his name. Later the whole group is also presented to the representatives of the local authority. Even the children have to show up. We must all bow down and listen to a long speech,' writes Annie,

ハウスキーパーの「たけ」さん、料理番の「やんぽ」さん、「ぶるかわ」さん、「ひょっき」さんの3人、女中の「そえみじゃ」と、「みつこ」もなどが生活の手助けをしてくれた。「たけ」さんは副管理人のような存在だった。彼女は60歳を過ぎていた。その後、住友との連絡係である平田に会った。彼はアメリカで4年過ごし、英語も勉強したというので、彼の事は「ヒラタ」さんではなく「ミスター ヒラタ」と呼んでいた。一行は町内会代表者にも紹介された。子供たちもその場に出るように強要された。みんな頭を下げて、長いスピーチを聞かなければならなかった。



The next day the men are given instructions by a high-ranking officer of Sumitomo. The men will have to work hard (13 consecutive days, the 14th day is free), or otherwise will be severely punished. The men must swear to an oath, which among other things states that they will not try to escape. According to the Geneva Convention, such an oath is not allowed. The men make some money, but that money is not paid out to them. Hirata controls the money and if something needs to be paid, he provides for it.




The food from the Imperial Hotel stops after two weeks and then the schedule of home cooking by the Japanese cooks begins. Sumitomo food stamps for them and also buys food on the black market. In the morning they get oatmeal together with a cup of tea and a slice of bread. At one o'clock it is a mixture of rice with barley, and other grains with some vegetables in a thick sauce and a cup of tea. In the evening the one o'clock lunch dish is repeated, but they also get a bowl of soup beforehand. Everything is tasty, but it's the same every day, there is no meat, hardly any vegetables, no fat, no sugar, and nothing in between. It's not healthy, especially not for growing children. They have been advised to chew the food properly to release the few vitamins, but it is annoying. You're sitting at the table chewing for a long time. Wim turns very skinny and he dreams of macaroni with cheese and tomato, and tasty pastry.




In late April, two cars arrive to fetch the men to be presented to the President of Sumitomo, but after that silence kicks in again. Will this work ever commence? They begin to think that they will serve as exchange material for all those students who were sent to the United States on a scholarship from Sumitomo and who, at the outbreak of the war, were interned by the Americans. If only it were true. These exchanges take place on the island of Lorenzo Marques, an island off the east coast of Africa. But then, at the end of May, a new resident appears at the court, a special Kempe Tai guard Hamaichi Tanaka who will live in the gatehouse with his family. From there he can look out over the group and the gate, which was soon erected after their arrival to prevent them from leaving the site. Tanaka will accompany the men to work; it will happen after all.

4月下旬、2台の車が住友の社長に面会する男たちを迎えに来たが、その後はなんの音沙汰もなかった。日本での仕事?は始まるのだろうか? 住友の奨学金でアメリカに派遣され、開戦と同時にアメリカに抑留された日本人学生たちとの交換材料になるのではないかと考え始めていた。それが本当ならいいのだが。この交渉は、アフリカ東岸に浮かぶ島、ロレンゾ・マルケス島(現:マプト:モザンビークの首都?)で行われていた。5月末、憲兵隊の「たなか はまいち」は家族とともに門番小屋に住むことになった。門番小屋からは、捕虜一行を見渡すことができた。



On June 4, the men go to a ceremonial introduction, as the Japanese call it, in the laboratory to become acquainted with the 'colleagues' with whom they will work. The eighth of June is their first day. At half past seven they leave with a packet of sandwiches for lunch and come home at half past six, tired from hanging on to the handles in crowded trams and trains. The trip to Sumitomo's laboratories at Ikuta Noborito takes an hour and a half. First with a tram to the Dayama station on the beltline, crammed into the tramcar from the beltline to Shinjuku, and then by a suburban train to Noborito. After a ten minutes' walk up a steep hill, they arrive at the laboratory at nine o'clock. Willem and Henk are assigned a room together and the others get a room in another building. Everyone receives a design from the Japanese engineers, but only Wim gets material to actually make something.



【201頁:住友グループは信用していなかった? オランダ人はこっそりと高性能ラジオを作り、アメリカの放送を聞いていた】

The Sumitomo engineers know they cannot really trust the Dutch, but they are asked to write long reports for the army, who organized the whole 'show'. In order to type these long reports, it is quickly determined that Corrie Leunis joins them. One day some officers come with a lot of amazement and look at the large pile of paper, which they have produced. I don't think anybody has ever read any of it,' writes Geo Levenbach. They mostly make calculations, and don't perform any practical work. It therefore remains mysterious. Were they brought from Java to do this work? The work signifies little, a college sophomore could do it', according to Beb.  Wim has to build a measuring device for vacuum tubes. He creates it in such a way that with a small alteration the device is capable of receiving news from San Francisco. In the evening when they walk to the train, the news is shared, in camouflaged Dutch. At one point they get the impression that Tanaka understands Dutch, although his English is very broken. After a few days of sharing their news, an engineer inspects the 'measuring device', but does not see how it can be changed into a receiver. The next day, however, Wim and Henk are moved to another room. The measuring device is supposed to come later, but that of course never happens.







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足利赤十字病院 心臓血管外科部長
エミリオ森口クリニック 診療部長
医療法人社団エミリオ森口 理事長
芝浦スリーワンクリニック 院長

医療法人社団エミリオ森口 芝浦スリーワンクリニック
東京都港区芝浦1-3-10 チサンホテル浜松町1階
